Nesterov Plaza Ufa
Оцените, пожалуйста, завтрак по типу шведский стол по 5-бальной шкале, где 1 - плохо, 5 - хорошо.
Please rate our self-service buffet breakfast on a five-point scale (1 = bad, 5 = good)
Оцените разнообразие блюд на шведском столе?
Please rate the variety of the dishes at the self-service buffet?
Оцените качество блюд на шведском столе?
Please rate the quality of the dishes at the self-service buffet.
Понравилась ли вам атмосфера в зале, музыка?
Did you like the atmosphere in the hall and the music?
Which dishes would you like to add to the self-service buffet? Please leave your comments and suggestions.
Спасибо за обратную связь и ждем вас в гости еще!
Thank you for the feedback! We will be glad to see you again!
Date of the visit to the restaurant
Room number (optional)
You first and last name (optional)
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